This week’s Lord’s Day wraps up a section of the Catechism in which we’ve been exploring what Christ’s names/titles mean for us. Lord’s Day 11 got us thinking about the name “Jesus,” meaning “Savior,” Lord’s Day 12 talks about “Christ,” meaning “anointed,” and this week in Lord’s Day 13 we look at “God’s only begotten Son” and “Lord.”

Just as last week’s Lord’s Day gave us some great theology of how we share in Christ’s anointing, this week’s gets at some of my favorite biblical imagery - that of God adopting us to sonship as full heirs and co-heirs with Christ.

nb: the footnote for Romans 8:15 in the NIV reads as follows: “The Greek word for adoption to sonship is a term referring to the full legal standing of an adopted male heir in Roman culture; also in verse 23.”

Also this week, the writing schedule is hitting a good stride, so now most of our blog posts will be every other week between myself and Chadd as to who has written most of the entries of the week. Here are some resources by Chadd for the week:

Lord’s Day 13

Q&A 33

SENDING (Rom 8:14-17)

People of God, go forth led by the Holy Spirit as children of the Father and heirs by the grace of Christ to the coming kingdom. Go forth, freed from fear, and confident knowing no matter what hardships or suffering may come, we share in our Savior's glory. 

Q&A 33-34


Loving Father,

We have lived our lives in selfish individualism

We disregard our neighbors and our siblings

We live like strangers to those you place in our lives

Whether intentionally or not,

We have taken advantage of those in our community.

Out of a mentality of scarcity and fear,

We justify our actions

We tell ourselves that taking advantage of others is the only way to be secure

Father God, Forgive us of our selfishness

Remind us that we are your children

Holy Spirit, Give us heart for our brothers, sisters, and neighbors 

who are more vulnerable than us.

Remind us that our security comes from you, our Father. 

Help us to live more like your children

Adopted through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ

In his name we pray, Amen.

ASSURANCE OF PARDON (Col. 1:13, Heb 2:14, 1 Cor. 6:20, 1 Pet. 1:18-19)

Children of God, 

We were bought at a price

Not with silver and gold,

but with the precious blood of Christ

Our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus

Has broken the power of the devil.

And has rescued us from the dominion of darkness.


Lord’s Day 14: Q&A 35-36: The ‘So What?’ of Christmas


Lord’s Day 12: Q&A 31-32: Anointed