Liturgical Resources

Lord’s Day 1

Q&A 1


Leader: We belong to you, O Christ.

People: But our actions say otherwise.

You are faithful to us, O Savior.

But we are not faithful to you.

You have fully paid for all of our sins with your precious blood and have set us free from the tyranny of the devil.

But we willingly turn back to our sins, time and time again.

You watch over us so that nothing happens without your will, O God.

But we seek to assert our own will over yours.

You work all things together for our salvation.

Left to our own in our sin and fallen nature, we work against our own salvation.

Forgive us, O Lord, and make us willing and ready to live for you and not ourselves.


Friends, our Savior, Jesus Christ, has fully paid for all of our sins with his blood. He has set us free from all the tyranny and schemes of the evil one. We belong to him, body and soul, in life and in death. Take comfort in this. Our sins are forgiven because we belong to Christ.

Thanks be to God!


Holy, Holy, Holy are you, Lord God Almighty. Heaven and earth are full of your glory! You, O Christ, work all things together for our salvation. You have paid for all of our sins with your body and blood, which we partake of in remembrance today. We belong to you, O Lord, body and soul, in this life and in death. Father, you watch over our lives so that nothing happens without your will. Christ our Savior, you have set us free from sin and the devil. Holy Spirit, as we partake in these ordinary elements, assure us anew that we belong to you, and renew in us the desire to live for your glory, O God. Amen.


Go now in the peace and power of the Holy Spirit, to live wholehearted, willing, and ready lives to serve God, to whom you belong in life and in death, in body and in soul. 

Q&A 2


Brothers and Sisters, our only comfort in life and in death can be found in Jesus Christ, but as the Apostle Paul tells us, There is no one righteous, not even one. (Romans 3:10) We are all under the power of sin. Our sin and misery are great. Come, let us confess our sins to the Lord, knowing that we will be heard and forgiven.


Salvation is found in no one else other than Jesus Christ, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved. (Acts 4:12) We are set free from our sins and from our misery by the blood of Jesus. May we be empowered by the Holy Spirit to live lives of gratitude for God, letting our light shine before others, that they may see our good deeds and glorify our Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:16)



The Apostle Paul tells us in Romans 3 that through [God’s] law we become conscious of our sin. (Romans 3:20) That law is summarized in the Gospel of Matthew: ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. And the a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. (Matthew 22:37-40) Brothers and Sisters, because of our fallen nature in our sin, we cannot live up to these commandments on our own. Not only that, but we can do nothing good on our own, but in our sin we tend to hate God and our neighbor rather than love them. Let us confess our sins.

-Time of Silent Confession-

Brothers and Sisters in Christ, anyone who is in Christ is a new creation. The old has gone and the new is here! (2 Corinthians 5:17b) On our own, we cannot be saved, but thanks be to God, we have not been left on our own. Through our Lord’s death and resurrection, we are saved from our sin and we are forgiven.


O God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, we come before you, bowing at your throne of grace, knowing that we are sinners. Your law tells us that we are steeped in misery and our fallen nature. We do not do what we want, but do what we hate and what we know is sinful and wrong. (Romans 7:15) You have commanded us to love you with all of our heart, soul, and mind (Matthew 22:37). We instead find ourselves tending to hate you rather than love you. We find ourselves tending to disobey you rather than wholeheartedly living for you. You have commanded us also to love our neighbor as ourselves. (Matthew 22:39) Yet we hate our neighbors. We treat them as others instead of as ourselves. We ignore them, oppress them, and do not seek after their wellbeing as we should. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us, we pray.


For Confession of Sin and Reading of the Law, the three Questions and Answers of this Lord’s Day can simply be read responsively.


Friends, the Holy Spirit dwells within everyone who has faith in God. It is through the Spirit that we are empowered to resist our natural tendency to hate rather than love God and our neighbor. It is through the Spirit groaning on our behalf that God hears our prayers and confessions. Through Christ, our sins have been forgiven. Let us now live in a way that shows that we are a forgiven people. 


The Holy Spirit lives within you if you confess Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Go now into the world as people who are empowered to love God and your neighbor rather than hate them. On our own we have a natural tendency to sin, disobey, and hate, but thanks be to God, we are a forgiven and empowered people. Go now in the peace and the power of God to love and serve God and neighbor.



God: Father, Son, and Spirit, you have created us in your image, intending us to truly know you, to love you with all our heart, and to live with you in eternal happiness for your glory. We lament that we as your people have never lived up to this standard. We lament that sin has overtaken us through our disobedience ever since Adam and Eve fell into sin to the point where we are all sinful from birth. We confess that, apart from you, we are unable to do anything to get us out of our fallen state. We confess that we continue to sin every day, bringing ourselves farther and farther away from you. Forgive us, Lord, for our sins that we choose to commit and our sins that, despite our best desires and intentions, we still fall into. Forgive us. Empower us anew with the Holy Spirit that we may be able to do good, to resist temptation and sin, and to live for you and your glory. Amen.


Brothers and Sisters, if you are in Christ, the Spirit of God dwells within you and empowers you to be able to strive against your sinful nature to resist temptation, to truly know God, to love God with all your heart, and to praise and glorify your creator and Lord.


Friends, our God created us in his image - in righteousness and holiness - that we might truly know him, love him with all our heart, and ultimately live with him in eternal happiness to praise and glorify him. The Holy Spirit is here among us and within us, empowering us to be able to praise and glorify God. Let us do so today as we lift our hearts and voices together, knowing that we are sinners forgiven and saved by grace.

Lord’s Day 4

Q&A 9


People of God, God created humans with the ability to not sin. However, because of the provocation of the devil and our own willful disobedience, humanity has fallen into a state in which we are unable to follow God’s will for our lives. Let us confess our sinful state and the ways in which we continue to willfully disobey our God and Creator together.


In the book of Genesis, chapter 1, we read that God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. . .[and] God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. (Genesis 1:27, 31a) As imagebearers of God, we were created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness (Ephesians 4:24). Friends, through our Savior Jesus Christ, our sins are forgiven and by believing in him, we may turn away from our sins and live all the more for God.

Q&A 10

PRAYER OF CONFESSION (and prayer of pardon)

Lord our God, you alone are perfect. You alone are just. We have disobeyed your laws, your commands, and your will for how we should live as your people. We have disobeyed you in thought, word, and in deed. We know, Lord, that you are terribly angry with the sins we are born with as well as the sins that each and every one of us commit every day. We confess to you that far too often, we do not think on our sins or even feel guilty. 

Lord, through your Holy Spirit, convict us anew to recognize how far we have fallen from you, and how seriously you take our sins. Give us a mind and a heart that seek to follow you all the more every day, even as we know we will continue to sin in this life.

Have mercy on us. Forgive us, Lord, in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ. 

-time of silent confession-

Lord our God, we thank you that in your mercy, you sent Jesus to be the atoning sacrifice for all of our sins. Jesus, we thank and praise you for taking upon yourself all of our sins, taking upon yourself the curse that we placed upon our human race. Christ our Savior, in you we are forgiven. You are interceding on our behalf right now, taking away our sins. Holy Spirit, empower us to recognize our sins, to know our forgiveness, and to live for you. Amen.

Q&A 11


God, you are just and merciful. In your justice, convict us of our wrongdoings against you. In your mercy, cast us not away from your presence. In your justice, we know that you are not pleased with wickedness (Psalm 5:4). In your mercy, we know that you are compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in love (Psalm 103:8). 

Lord, because of your justice and because you have sent your Holy Spirit to allow us to know our wrongdoings, we confess our sins before you.

-time of silent confession-

Lord, because of your mercy, we know that that same Spirit who convicts us of our sins also assures us of your forgiveness. We give you thanks and praise for your mercy and love to us, undeserving though we are. Renew us, Holy Spirit, to live anew for you, o Lord. Amen.

Lord’s Day 5


Brothers and sisters, we deserve punishment for our sins according to the righteous judgment of our God. Let us confess our sins together, trusting that if we confess them, God is faithful and will forgive us.

Oh Lord, we increase our debt against you every single day by sinning against you and our neighbor. We ourselves cannot begin to pay back this debt. We confess to you our sins that we have committed and the ways in which we have sinned by omission. Hear us now, oh Lord, as we confess our sins to you.

(moment for silent confession)

God has sent a mediator to this earth who can satisfy the demands of God’s justice and law. Our deliverer who is a true and righteous human and is also truly God. Jesus Christ, our Savior. He has fully paid for all of our sins and watches over us, interceding on our behalf before the Father. Friends, through Christ, your debt is paid and your sins are forgiven!

Thanks be to God!


Q&A 16-18


God’s holy and righteous judgment demands that as fallen and sinful humans, we must pay for our sins. We are so steeped in our sin and fallen nature, though, that we cannot begin to pay for that sin ourselves, and we cannot pay it for others either.


Only God can fulfill the massive debt that our sins have caused. Only one who is truly God and truly human can bear the full weight of the wrath that is deserved from our sins. Our Lord Jesus Christ was given to us to completely deliver us from our sins and our sinful nature and to make us right in the eyes of God.

Thanks be to God.

Q&A 19


The Lord–the God who began to reveal the Good News of the Gospel at the beginning of humanity, who proclaimed that same Gospel through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, who spoke through the prophets, who even revealed the good news of salvation through the Law of Moses, who in the fullness of time sent his only Son, Jesus our Savior to fulfill the gospel–This is the God who welcomes you into this space and time of worship. Grace, Mercy, and Peace be yours from our God: Father, Son, and Spirit.


Q&A 21


Brothers and sisters in Christ, we have (insert appropriate Liturgical Element here: Confessed our Sins, Heard God’s Word, etc). Let us now together confess our faith together: our sure knowledge that we hold as true, revealed to us in Scripture, our wholehearted trust that the Holy Spirit has created in us by the gospel, freely granted to us by God. Let us confess/profess together what we believe. . .


Hear these words of Assurance: Only by the merit of Christ’s death and resurrection, God has freely granted unto us forgiveness of sins, eternal righteousness, and salvation. We are not deserving of such gifts, but God has granted them by sheer grace, and these gifts are ours because we have confessed our sins, trusting that God’s revelation to us in Scripture is true. In Christ, our sins are forgiven, we have eternal righteousness, and we have been granted salvation.

Thanks be to God!


Friends, in Christ God has freely granted to us the forgiveness of our sins, eternal righteousness, and salvation. These are gifts of sheer grace, granted solely by Christ’s merit. As we come to the table, let us remember the sacrifice which we celebrate; the reason why we have the promise of eternal life. 


Q&A 24-25


Brothers and Sisters, our God–The Father who created all things, the Son who delivers us from our fallen nature, and the Spirit who sanctifies us every day–Three persons in one God as revealed to us in the Scriptures–welcomes all of us into this time of worship together.


God–Father, Son, and Spirit–we praise you today. Father, you have created everything that was, is, and ever will be. Jesus Christ, you are our Lord and deliverer. Your death and resurrection has granted us eternal life in you. Holy Spirit, you intercede for us when we do not know how to talk to you. You sanctify us and empower us. Triune God–Three in One–we cannot properly fathom the depths of your love for us or the mystery of you. We are gathered to give you praise, to learn from you, and to hear your word. Bless our efforts, sanctify them, that you may be glorified over all. Amen.


Q&A 26


Leader: Brothers and Sisters, we gather together today to worship our God.

People: The eternal Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has created all things and upholds all things.

Leader: He upholds all things and provides for us.

People: He is our God, one person in the Trinity of Father, Son, and Spirit.

Leader: God provides for us because He is almighty. He desires to care for us because he is faithful.

All: Our God is great and greatly to be praised!


We praise you, God our Father. You who created from nothing all that is, ever has been, and ever will be. Lord of all creation, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, you to this day continue to uphold and rule everything. You provide for us and give us whatever we need for body and soul. You work everything out for the good of those who call upon your name. God, we praise and adore you, for you are almighty and faithful to your people. In the name of our Savior Jesus and through the power of the Holy Spirit we pray, Amen.


Q&A 27


Leader: God, you are ever-present and almighty. You rule over everything with your strong right hand.

People: Yet we often doubt your providence for us and for creation, seeking to take matters into our own hands.

Leader: You provide for us, oh Father, giving us what we need, both in times of plenty and in times of hardship and adversity.

People: Yet we attribute our successes in life to chance or to our own work, and we blame you for times of trial.

Leader: Have mercy on us, Lord, for doubting in your power to provide all that we need.

People: Have mercy on us and forgive us for our desire to wrestle power away from you and trust in our own selves.

Leader: People of God, our God is ever-present and almighty. He rules over everything with his strong right hand.

People: He provides for us and for all of creation, ruling over everything and caring for even the smallest of creatures.

Leader: God cares for us in such an awesome way that he even sent his own Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to take upon himself all of our sins and shortcomings. In Christ, we are forgiven.

People: Amen! Thanks be to God!


Q&A 29


Leader: Come, let us worship and bow down.

People: Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker, for he is our God and we are his people

Leader: Let us praise our Savior, Jesus, the Son of God.

People: We give thanks and praise, for we have been rescued from our sins.

Leader: Let us give thanks for the Holy Spirit, who lives within us and brings us 

closer to God.

People: Amen! Praise be unto our Triune God: Father, Son, and Spirit!

Q&A 30


Jesus, you are the only way to salvation: you and you alone. As your people, the flock under your care, we know this, and yet we often act like this is not the case. Rather than seeking you above all else, we have turned away from you time and time again. Instead of your church being a beacon of hope to lead people to you, we have become a beacon of political power to lead people to put their hope in sinful humans. 

We have dirtied your Good News to the nations with good news for us and only us. We have ignored the diversity of your body for the sake of being right in our own eyes. We seek worldly power for your church instead of the true power that you offer, our Servant King. 

We confess to you and lament how we have strayed from you, dear Lord. We acknowledge that we have denied you as our only way to salvation by leaning on others. 

You are all we need, Lord Jesus. You are all we need. Bring your church back to you that we may be the shining city on a hill you created us to be. Empower us, Holy Spirit, not to lead others to vote like us, but to lead others to live as you would have us live.

We pray this in the powerful name of our only Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.


Lord our God, we confess to you that we do not lean wholly on you for our salvation. Jesus, we do not cling to you as our only hope as we should, but instead we hold on to you loosely, grasping for other things. We admit that we have held our possessions, our relationships, our politics, and even your church above you and have sought salvation in them instead of you. Forgive us, Lord Jesus, and have mercy on our wayward souls. Draw us ever closer to you and let everything else fall away, we pray.

-time of silent confession-

Leader: Brothers and Sisters, there is no other name under heaven by which we must be saved. Jesus and Jesus alone is our salvation. Through him, all of our sins are forgiven. In him we have all we need for our salvation.

People: Thanks be to God for the redemption and salvation we have through Jesus, our Lord!


Q&A 31-32


We give you thanks and praise, O Lord, as we prepare to come to your table today. Jesus, you are our chief prophet and teacher who fully reveals to us the secret counsel and will of God. You are our only high priest who has delivered us by the one sacrifice of your body. You continually plead our cause with the Father, and you, O Christ, are our eternal king who governs us by Word and Spirit and guards and keeps us in the freedom you have won for us. Holy are you, O Lord. 

You anoint us to confess your name and to share that name with this world. You enable us to strive against sin and the devil in this life. We offer you all of our thanks and praise for your ever-present care. 

Q&A 31


Lord Jesus Christ, you are anointed with the Holy Spirit to be our chief prophet and teacher who fully reveals to us God’s will. As we open your word now, we seek to be taught by you. Anoint us anew, Holy Spirit, to hear what you have to teach us today. We ask this in the name of our deliverer, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Q&A 32


Lord Jesus Christ, as members of your body, we are anointed to confess your name, to present ourselves to you as living sacrifices of thanks, to strive with free conscience against sin and the devil in this life, and to reign with you over all creation for eternity. We confess now that in spite of this great blessing, we fall short of your calling.

We have been anointed to confess your name only, but we confess other names and things in place of you. Lord, have mercy on us.

We have been anointed to present ourselves to you as living sacrifices of thanks, but we often prefer to thank ourselves rather than leaning on your sacrifice. Christ, have mercy on us.

We have been anointed to strive against sin and the devil, but we give in to our sinful desires and ignore your will for our lives. Lord, have mercy on us.

Give us a new and right spirit to strive for you, to remember and thank you for all you have done and do for us, and to confess your name and your name alone. We pray this in that name, Jesus Christ, our anointed deliverer. Amen.


People of God, go forth as anointed followers of Christ to confess his name, to present yourselves as living sacrifices of thanks, and to transform this world for Christ.

Lord’s Day 13

Q&A 33

SENDING (Rom 8:14-17)

People of God, go forth led by the Holy Spirit as children of the Father and heirs by the grace of Christ to the coming kingdom. Go forth, freed from fear, and confident knowing no matter what hardships or suffering may come, we share in our Savior's glory. 

Q&A 33-34


Loving Father,

We have lived our lives in selfish individualism

We disregard our neighbors and our siblings

We live like strangers to those you place in our lives

Whether intentionally or not,

We have taken advantage of those in our community.

Out of a mentality of scarcity and fear,

We justify our actions

We tell ourselves that taking advantage of others is the only way to be secure

Father God, Forgive us of our selfishness

Remind us that we are your children

Holy Spirit, Give us heart for our brothers, sisters, and neighbors 

who are more vulnerable than us.

Remind us that our security comes from you, our Father. 

Help us to live more like your children

Adopted through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ

In his name we pray, Amen.

ASSURANCE OF PARDON (Col. 1:13, Heb 2:14, 1 Cor. 6:20, 1 Pet. 1:18-19)

Children of God, 

We were bought at a price

Not with silver and gold,

but with the precious blood of Christ

Our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus

Has broken the power of the devil.

And has rescued us from the dominion of darkness.


Q&A 35


Leader: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

People: The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.

Leader: The eternal Son of God, who is and remains true and eternal took on himself a truly human nature.

People: Through the working of the Holy Spirit, from the flesh and blood of the virgin Mary, he became like us in every way except for sin.

Leader: Conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary, our Savior, Jesus Christ, a helpless infant in a manger. 

People: This is our Lord, our Deliverer, coming down to earth from heaven as one of us.

Q&A 35-36


Jesus, as we celebrate your taking on of human nature during this season, we see how you came to this earth, humble and lowly; like us in every way except for sin so that you might redeem us from our sins. We cannot help but see our sin all the more in contrast to your perfection. Forgive us, Lord. Forgive us for the sins that we commit against each other and against you. Forgive us for the sins that we commit that we feel we cannot help. Holy Child of Bethlehem, cover us with your perfect holiness, for as true and eternal God, only you can save us from our sins.


Brothers and Sisters in Christ, this holy child whose birth we celebrate today is our mediator. Because he took on our nature and became like us in every way except sin, he covers our sinfulness in which we were conceived. His holiness atones for our lack of holiness. His blood washes us clean. Because Christ was born, Christ died, Christ arose, and in his name, our sins are forgiven.

Thanks be to God!


Lord Jesus, you emptied yourself, taking on our very human nature and form so that you would save us from our sin and from the devil. You came down to this earth as one of us; as a baby. You have given yourself for us. We pray that these tithes and offerings that we have given today would further the work of your kingdom that you began. We give these freely as you gave yourself freely for us. In your name, Lord, we pray. Amen.


Brothers and Sisters, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ took on our human nature in every way except for sin. He, our mediator, has covered our sins with his perfect holiness. As people covered by the eternal Son of God, conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary, go forth from this place to bring this good news to the world.

Lord’s Day 15

Q&A 37


Lord of our lives,

Each day we feel the effects of sin and evil in the world.

We experience suffering directly or indirectly.

From broken relationships in our lives,

To unjust systems that harm the already vulnerable.

From violations to our personal safety,

To existential fears that we have no power over.

What makes the suffering worse 

is the knowledge that we contribute to this suffering.

Suffering others experience and suffering we experience

Because of the sin that we commit. 

Loving God, 

Some days it feels like your wrath is against us personally

Rather than against the sin in the world.

Almighty Father,

This suffering is too much for us to bear.

It feels like we are overwhelmed by suffering

We want to give up because we can’t do it ourselves.

God of grace,

We thank you that you sent your son Jesus

To join us in our suffering.

That we worship a Savior who doesn’t minimize or dismiss our suffering.

Instead, Christ suffered all his life,

Took on God’s wrath against sin,

And poured out his grace and forgiveness on us. 

While we experience suffering in our lives,

We know it is not as punishment for our evil.

Instead, our Savior knows suffering and defeated suffering,

So we are not alone in our suffering,

But joined by our faithful Savior, Jesus Christ. 

Q&A 38

ASSURANCE OF PARDON (Isaiah 53:4-5): 

Leader: Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering,

People: Yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted.

Leader: But he was pierced for our transgressions,

People: he was crushed for our iniquities;

Leader: the punishment that brought us peace was on him,

People: and by his wounds we are healed.

Q&A 39

ASSURANCE OF PARDON (Gal. 3:10-13, Deut. 21:23)

Leader: Anyone who is hung on a pole is under God’s curse.

People: Christ redeems us by becoming a curse for us.

Leader: It is through Christ that we have been redeemed.

People: Through Christ, we have been made righteous.

Q&A 37-39


Sovereign God,

There is so much suffering in our world.

Suffering caused by corruption, oppression, and injustice.

Suffering caused by leaders, groups, and individuals.

We have experienced suffering in our lives.

Suffering that we can explain and place blame

And suffering we can’t explain or find anything to blame.

God, we pray that your wrath would be poured out on sin and evil that cause suffering.

But as we reflect on suffering, Loving God,

We confess that we are the source of others suffering.

Whether intentionally or not, 

Others have suffered at our hand as well. 

Forgive us, Gracious God.

For the suffering we have committed

And set us free from our suffering.


Gracious God, 

You are not a stranger to our suffering.

You sent your son Jesus, who suffered all his life,

Who was convicted by an earthly judge, Pontius Pilate,

To die on a cursed cross,

So Christ might be a curse for us,

Take on our judgment for sin,

And gain for us God’s grace, righteousness, and eternal life.


Lord’s Day 16

Q&A 40-42


God of Justice,

Sin and evil lead to death.

Each day, we see the effects of sin and evil.

Death from war and famine

Death from disease and disasters

Death from violence and accidents

Death of family and friends

Our sin leads to death,

And death leads to more sin.

Even our Savior Jesus Christ 

Truly experienced death in this sinful broken world. 

God of life, Forgive us our sin 

And break this cycle of sin and death.

ASSURANCE OF PARDON (Romans 8:4, Hebrews 2:9)

Leader: Jesus is now crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death.

All: By the grace of God, Christ tasted death for us.

Leader: People of God, Christ died to condemn sin in the flesh.

All: We no longer live according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. 

Q&A 43

ASSURANCE OF PARDON (Romans 6:6, 13)

One: People of God, what further benefit do we receive 

from Christ’s sacrifice and death on the cross?

All: By Christ’s power our old selves are crucified, 

put to death, and buried with him.

One: We have offered ourselves to God

Who has brought us from death to life. 

All: So that the evil desires of the flesh

may no longer rule us.

One: We are no longer slaves 

All: Instead we are a sacrifice of gratitude to God.

Thanks be to God. Amen.

BAPTISMAL REMEMBRANCE (Romans 6:5-14, Col. 2:11-12, Romans 12:1, Eph. 5:1-2)

Children of God,

Christ offered himself as a sacrifice for us.

He died on a cross to defeat sin and evil.

We have been united in that death and resurrection.

Not on a cross, but in the water of our baptism.

Buried in the water and raised with Christ 

through faith in the working of God,

We have been set free from sin.

Therefore follow Christ’s example

And walk in the way of love.

In view of God’s mercy, 

Remember that we are a living sacrifice

Holy and acceptable,

Transformed by the renewing of our minds.

Remember your baptism,

And recall how God has transformed you.

Q&A 44


Sovereign God, life is full of ups and downs. We experience great joy and beauty in your creation. We also experience so much pain and suffering. It can be so hard to make sense of life in this world, so we turn to you in prayer. No matter what life throws at us, we know that our high Priest and Savior, Jesus Christ, experienced everything we have. Christ suffered, felt pain, and experienced loss throughout his life. Loving God, we offer prayers and petitions through our High Priest who sympathizes with our joys and pains. 

Q&A 40-44


God, why do we still have to die? 

Christ defeated death on the cross,

Yet we all still feel the pain of loss.

God of Life, all of us know the pain of death.

Friends, siblings, parents, spouses.

All of us have someone we love die.

We all have the scary thought 

that we will die someday as well. 

Some of us are suffering so much,

That it feels like death is a good thing.

The knowledge that death will set us free from sin

Might be a great relief to some of us.

How sad that death might seem 

like a source of hope for some of us?

Death even came for Christ Jesus.

Jesus experienced suffering in his life,

And died a horrible, painful, humiliating death.

Death is not good. Death is evil.

But we worship a Savoir who knows the pain of death.

Jesus wept when his friend died.

Jesus experienced death.

And Jesus overcame death.

When life hurts like Hell,

Our Savior descended to Hell

To rescue us and be with us.

We do not suffer alone,

But with our savior Jesus

Who knows death and suffering. 



Q&A 45


Leader: Brothers and Sisters, let us give thanks to God for the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

People: He is risen!

Leader: Christ has overcome death to make us share in the righteousness he has obtained for us

People: He is risen indeed!

Leader: By Christ’s power we too are raised to a new life in him.

People: We are risen with him!

Leader: The resurrection of Christ is assurance of our ultimate resurrection to come.

All: Amen! He is risen! He is risen indeed!


Gracious Lord Jesus, you died for our sins on the cross, and you were raised to new life, which we celebrate on this Easter day. Yet we act like your resurrection does not mean much to us. We do not act as changed people. We do not share what your resurrection means with others. We do not treat others as we should. We disparage your name by our actions, thoughts, and deeds. Most Holy Lord, forgive us for our actions and for our inactions. Forgive us for still living as if you had not been raised from the grave.

-time for silent reflection and confession-

Leader: Christ has overcome death and the grave. By this, we who believe in him share in his righteousness and are raised ourselves to a new life. By Christ’s death and resurrection, our sins are forgiven! May we live as saved ones for whom this changes everything.

People: Thanks be to God for this gift of grace. He is risen indeed, and we are raised out of the depths of our sin with him!

ASSURANCE OF PARDON (1 Peter 1:3-4, Ephesians 2:4-6)

Leader: In God’s great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. 

All: By his resurrection he has overcome death, so that he might make us share in the righteousness.

Leader: But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions.

All: By Christ’s power we too are already raised to a new life.

Leader: God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus.

All: Christ’s resurrection is a sure pledge to us of our blessed resurrection.

SENDING (Romans 6)

Brothers and Sisters, we have been united with Christ in his death. So too we are united with him in his resurrection. We have been made dead to our sins and raised to new life to live for Christ and his kingdom. Go from here as ones who have been set free from sin to bring that good news to the world. In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen.

Lord’s Day 18


Leader: Brothers and Sisters in Christ, our Lord not only was raised from the grave to conquer sin and death, but he also has ascended to heaven to sit at the right hand of God the Father. 

People: Christ has died, Christ has risen, Christ has ascended

Leader: As he promised us and as the angels told his disciples, he has not gone to the right hand of the Father to be there for eternity, but he will return just as he ascended to bring about the New Heavens and New Earth.

People: Christ has died, Christ has risen, Christ will come again!

PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE (Romans 8:34, Colossians 3:1-2, Hebrews 7:23-24)

Loving Father, our hearts are so filled with earthly things and anxieties. We are called to set our hearts on things above, Father, but it is so difficult. Sometimes we don’t even pray at all, because we feel our prayers are inadequate. But we have an intercessor in our Savior Jesus at your right hand, Father. Hear our prayers now, Father, through the intercession through our Advocate, Jesus Christ. 

[Time of congregational prayer]

Father God, at our best, our prayers are still imperfect. High Priest Jesus, thank you that you redeem our prayers and intercede on our behalf. It is in your holy name that we pray. Amen. 

Q&A 46

ASSURANCE OF PARDON (Romans 8:34, Hebrews 7:25)

Leader: Who then is the one who condemns? 

All: No one. Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.

Leader: Therefore he is able to save us completely when we come to God through him

All: Because he always lives to intercede for us.

Q&A 47


Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out

PRAYER OF CONFESSION (Jeremiah 23:23, Matthew 28:19, John 14:19)

Father God,

You are a God who is nearby,

In your light, we see clearly we fall short of your glory.

We try to run from your presence and hide in darkness.

We have not follow you command to make disciples

And we try to reject the Holy Spirit’s direction in our lives.

God, we confess that we pretend your presence is not near us.

Instead, we choose to be in charge of our own lives.

Forgive us, Lord.

Holy Spirit, pour out the new life of Christ on us today.


Q&A 48

PRAYER OF LAMENT (Colossians 2:9)

Most High God,

Each day we feel the limitations of physical bodies.

If only each day had another hour.

If only we could jump higher.

If only we could work on less sleep.

Days, weeks, months, or years that we struggle with illness.

Even looking into a mirror can bring so much pain.

We are all too aware that our bodies are affected by sin.

Some days it's hard to imagine that our bodies are good.

God, where will our resting place be from this pain?

But you God created us with bodies and called them good.

So good, that in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form.

Thank you, Jesus, for the hope we have in the resurrection of the body.

In you, Christ Jesus, we see that physical bodies 

Are even worthy for our loving God to dwell in. 

We pray in the name of our fully Divine and fully Human savior Jesus Christ.


Q&A 49


Creator God,

You formed us in our mother’s wombs 

To serve and enjoy you all our days.

You gather us together in this sanctuary

As a covenant people set apart. 

We have fallen short of your expectations in creation.

Through our sin, we have become distant from you.

Not being content with this separation,

We thank you for sending the Son of God down from heaven.

Taking on flesh, Jesus became like us.

Christ Jesus, you humbled yourself and took on flesh.

Through this physical body, 

you defeated death and redeemed us from sin and evil.

Powerful Savior, now you are at the right hand of the Father

A resurrected body ascended into heaven

Where you intercede for us.

Our resurrected Savior,

As we gather around this table

Feed us by your flesh spiritually.

We pray, by the power of you Holy Spirit,

That you take us up to the Father’s presence.

We pray through this prayer and the Holy Spirit’s work,

That our hearts and minds would be renewed

To seek the things of heaven.

We pray all these things 

in the name of our bodily ascended Savior, Christ Jesus.


Lord’s Day 19


People of God, Jesus Christ is seated at the Father’s right hand, pouring out the gifts of the Spirit upon us, his body, his church. He will return to judge all creation and to bring his chosen ones into eternal glory. Go, therefore, as called followers of Christ, the risen and ascended Savior, to bring the good news of the Gospel to this fallen world, in the name of the Father, Son, and Spirit. Amen.

Q&A 50-51

PRAYER OF ADORATION (Ephesians 1:20-23)

All: We praise you, O God: Father, Son, and Spirit.

Leader: We praise you, O Father, who raised Jesus from the dead.

People: Who put everything under his feet: all authority, power, and dominion.

Leader: We praise you, O Christ, seated at the right hand of the Father.

People: We praise you, O Christ, head of your church, your body.

Leader: We praise you, O Spirit, pouring out the gifts of God.

People: We praise you, O Spirit, interceding for us when we do not have words.

All: We praise you, Father, Son, and Spirit: One God in Three.

Q&A 52


God, we struggle with your plans sometimes. We know, Jesus, that you will return in glory to judge the living and the dead; to separate the sheep from the goats and to cast those who are against you into condemnation. We have faith that you will bring us who follow you into glory and the New Creation, and yet we have trouble reconciling your love with your justice. 

Jesus, we mourn with you over those who do not follow your way or believe in the salvation you offer. Holy Spirit, may you work in their hearts to believe as you work in our hearts. Empower us, Spirit, to bring the good news of the gospel to those who need it, that we may partner with you, Christ, in bringing your Kingdom to this fallen world as we await your return. 

Align our will to yours, O God, that we may desire that all would come to you, that more and more people would not have to fear your judgment, but await it eagerly as forgiven people, as you have forgiven us. 

Help us, O Lord, to share our faith in you. Forgive us for falling short of your plans for us and for our lack of urgency in sharing the gospel with others. 

We pray this in the name of our Lord and Savior, seated at the right hand of the Father, Amen.


Jesus, we know that you are seated at the right hand of the Father, and that you will indeed come to judge the living and the dead. We trust that what you have promised is true, and we know that you will judge all, including us.

We confess that we do not take your judgment seriously. We rest on our assurance that we will be forgiven, forgetting to live in the way that you have called us to.

Despite our status as your co-heirs, Christ our Savior, we act as if we have no inheritance with you: lowering ourselves to what this sinful world around us would have us do and say, rather than being hearers and doers of your word.

Forgive us, O Lord, for being lazy in our recognition of our sins. Forgive us for not doing all that you have commanded us to do. Forgive us in your name, O Jesus, and spur us on, O Holy Spirit, to follow our calling to Christian living.

-time of silent confession-

Leader: People of God, Christ will judge the living and the dead, the holy and the unholy, but he has offered himself up to fulfill God’s judgment. Our judge has taken on the judgment on our behalf. Because of this, we can confidently await him as our judge, through any distress and persecution that this life may bring.

People: We have been forgiven! We eagerly await the coming Kingdom, knowing we can stand before our judge who will welcome us into the joy and glory of the New Heavens and New Earth. Thanks be to God!

Lord’s Day 20

Q&A 53

CONFESSION OF SIN (Galatians 4:6)

Father God,

Each day we rebel against you.

We take for granted your love and your grace.

Father God, we try to be in charge of our lives.

We follow our own ways and desires.

Which end up harming our neighbors, the creation, and ourselves.

It is only by your Spirit that we even know that we do wrong.

By your grace Father, that we know we have sinned.

Father God, continue to pour out your Spirit on us.

To convict us and bring us to you in confession.

Father God, forgive us and turn us back to you.


ASSURANCE OF PARDON (2 Corinthians 1:21-22)

Leader: You have been anointed by our Savior Jesus Christ

All: He has set his seal of ownership on us.

Leader: God put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit.

All: Guaranteeing for us our future hope in Christ.

BENEDICTION (Galatians 3:14)

May the blessings the Father poured out on Abraham

By the redemption and work of Christ Jesus

Through the promise and power of the Holy Spirit

Be with you now. Amen. 


God the Father,

You have revealed who you are in your word.

As we come before you, continue to speak to us.

Holy Spirit, work in our heart and minds

To show us Christ and all his benefits in God’s word.

Give us faith to help us see 

How God is comforting us or challenging us today. 

Father God, you remain with us forever,

Through the presence of your Holy Spirit.

Work in our hearts today.

In Jesus name, Amen. 

Lord’s Day 21

Q&A 54


As Christ has called us through his Spirit and Word unto himself, we are called into a time of worship today as one body, united in Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. Come, let us worship and bow down. Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker, for he is our God and we are the people under his care. As we are united as his church, let us unite our voices together to praise our God!

Q&A 54-55


Lord our God, you have called people from all walks of life over the millenia to be part of your body, the church. We confess to you our pride in our way of expressing our faith in you. We have elevated our traditions, our denomination, and our theological accent above what you call us to: to be one, as you, the Father, and the Spirit are one. 

Forgive us, O Christ, for not loving our brothers and sisters as ourselves but turning them into an other. Holy Spirit, show us where you are at work, both in our own church and in the places of your church where we are not. Give us a heart of discerning care, that we may abandon division for division’s sake and hold true to what your word calls us to. 

Unite us in our faith in you, O Lord. May we love our fellow believers in you, even when we disagree on particulars. We pray that your church may be united that we may better bring the gospel to this fallen world. We ask this in the name of Jesus our Savior, the head of the church, Amen.

-time for silent confession-

Leader: There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. (Eph 4:4-6) Brothers and sisters, as members of the body of Christ, our sins are forgiven in Christ. May we go forth, united in our calling, united under Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

People: Thanks be to God!


Brothers and sisters, as we have [confessed our sins, been assured of our pardon, etc], let us now together profess the faith that we have in our God: Father, Son, and Spirit. As the church across the ages has done, may we raise our voices together in unity with the communion of saints as we declare what unites us all, over and above denominational lines and theological differences:

What is it that you/we believe?

-Recite the appropriate Creed-

Q&A 55


As members of the church catholic, Christ’s body, we have a great opportunity to show the world the love of our God as we are united under him and him alone. May we go forth into the world today and show that though we are many diverse parts, the body of Christ is one body, unified under our head, Jesus, for the sake of his work in this world. Go in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Q&A 56


Friends, because of Christ’s satisfaction of God’s wrath which we all deserve to bear, God will no longer remember any of our sins, or even our sinful nature. Instead, God grants us righteousness to free us forever from judgment. In Christ, our sins are forgiven!

Thanks be to God!

Lord’s Day 22

Q&A 57


Father God,

You knit us together in our mother’s womb.

Our bodies are a gift from you,

But we often don’t feel like they are a gift.

You created our bodies good,

But we feel the sin and evil of this world in our bodies.

Whether it is our bodies attacking themselves with cancer,

Our minds not creating enough serotonin,

Or our internalization of unrealistic body standards that lead to pain.

We confess that we don’t always see our bodies as a gift. 

Somedays, we wish we could shed this physical form forever. 

Loving God,

We confess that our bodies can be a way we sin against others.

Whether it is shaming others because of their size,

Excluding those because of physical or intellectual limitations,

Or hating our neighbors because of their skin color or ethnicity,

We have not loved our neighbors' bodies, God.

Forgive us Lord.

Remind us that our redemption comes from a physical human body.

That we are saved through the body of our incarnation Savior, Jesus Christ.


ASSURANCE OF PARDON (Philippians 3:21)

Leader: Our incarnate Savior has the power to bring everything under his control.

All: Through his glorious body, we have been redeemed by our fully human fully divine Savior.

Leader: Christ redeems us, transforms us, and brings our fallen bodies under his control.

All: Thanks to God

Q&A 58

PRAYER (John 17:3)

One True God, you have gathered us into your presence today by the power of your Holy Spirit. Whether we come with joy and excitement, or with pain and sadness, we are in your beautiful and wonderful presence, God. Holy Spirit, work in our hearts today to remind us that we enter this place to worship you, God, and rehearse for everlasting life. We pray we grow to know you more and more, Savior Jesus, as we begin to experience your eternal joy in this place. Hear our praise, Sovereign God, and join them with all the saints around the world and who came before us. It is the name of the Son of God that we pray, Amen.

Lord’s Day 23


Brothers and Sisters, in Christ we have been made righteous before God. We are co-heirs to the Kingdom. God calls us out of this place to do the work of his Kingdom in this world. Go, therefore, and live out your righteousness through faith, bringing our hope of eternal life to this dark world.

Q&A 59


This is an instance in which the Q&A can simply be read out as the Assurance of Pardon on its own, or incorporated with Scripture as seen below.


One: Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. 

All: And we boast in the hope of the glory of God.

One: What good does it do you, however, to believe all this?

All: In Christ I am righteous before God and heir to life everlasting.

Q&A 60

CONFESSION OF SIN (Ephesians 2:8)

Righteous God,

We have sinned against all of your commandments

And it feels like we have not kept them at all

We know that we are still inclined towards evil.

Even our conscience accuses us of the evil we do.

We are helpless on our own. 

Forgive us, Father, and set us free from our evil.


One: For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.

All: It is not by our work or our goodness, but through Christ’s sheer grace that we are saved.

One: God grants and credits Christ’s satisfaction, righteousness and holiness to us.

All: As if we have never sinned or been sinners.

One: We have been offered this grace as a gift. 

All: Thank you Savior for this wonderful gift.  

Lord’s Day 24

Q&A 62-63


Lord our God, we try to act like good people. We try to be upstanding citizens. We try to do a good deed each day. We even do this in your name, but we confess, Lord, that we put our hope of salvation in our good deeds. We act as if our good works give us some magical better standing with you, or that they are the key to eternal life. We put our hope in ourselves instead of in you, our only Savior. Forgive us, Jesus, for not remembering that it is only your perfect sacrifice that allows us to be truly righteous before the Father. Forgive our pride, we pray, as we offer to you our sin-stained efforts to be good in this fallen world.

-time for silent confession-

Leader: Brothers and Sisters, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, has offered up the ultimate good work for our salvation, as he, perfect human and God, freely gave himself for us that we may receive God’s gift of grace. In Christ, our sins are forgiven, and we are able to strive to live lives of righteousness for the Kingdom of our God!

People: Amen! Thanks be to God!


God, Creator of all, Giver of all, we pray that you would bless these tithes and offerings that we have given to you. Not because our generosity makes us better than others, and not because they give us a better standing with you. Not because our tithes and offerings are the means to our salvation, but we pray that you would bless them, even though they are imperfect gifts given by imperfect people. Accept our gifts to you, O Lord, as we know that everything is ultimately yours. We give you only what is already yours, but we give as an outpouring of the gift of grace you have given us, trusting that you will use these tithes and offerings to further your Kingdom, in our hearts, our church, our neighborhood, and throughout the world. Amen.

Q&A 64

CONFESSION AND ASSURANCE (Luke 6:43-45, John 15:5)

Leader: Jesus, we know that we belong to you as members of your body.

People: But sometimes we doubt our place in your Kingdom.

Leader: You have told us that if we remain in you, we will bear much fruit.

People: Our fruit doesn’t always look good enough to offer to you. It is often misshapen and moldy, more fitting for the dumpster than for you.

Leader: Forgive us, Lord, for our meager offerings.

People: Empower us, Spirit, to see our offerings of good works as you see them. Give us strength to persevere through our doubts and to rest and remain in you, O Christ.

-time for silent confession-

Leader: Friends, Jesus tells us that “No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit.” (Luke 6:43) If you are in Christ, it is impossible for you to not bear good fruit. Rest well in this assurance, that if you doubt the efficacy of your works, you are indeed in Christ, your sins are forgiven through Christ, and even works that you may feel are inadequate are signs of your faith and gratitude.

People: Thanks be to God!

Lord’s Day 25

Q&A 65

PRAYER OF PREPARATION (1 Corinthians 2:12-14)

Sovereign God, you speak to us by your word and instill faith in our hearts. Holy Spirit, work in our hearts today, so that we may understand what God has freely given us. As we hear your word preached, God, let the words be not human wisdom but words taught by your Holy Spirit. We pray we do not consider these words foolish, but, Holy Spirit, you give us the discernment to understand your wisdom. Father God, give us faith through your Holy Spirit, so that we might share in all of Christ’s benefits today. In his name we pray, Amen. 

Q&A 66


Covenantal Father, 

You desire to be in relationship with us,

But we fall short of being your children.

We reject the seal you have on our lives each day.

In our work and relationships,

We go against your will for our lives.

We misunderstand your gospel and grace,

And we distort your signs and seals.

Often, we fall into legalism.

We impose unrealistic standards on others,

But we do not have the same standard for ourselves.

Uniting God, 

We even use the signs and seals you give us

As a way to divide your children 

Rather than to unite us. 

Father God,

Forgive us and helps us to be united

As your covenant children.



One: People of God, we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.

All: Not by our work, but by grace because of Christ’s one sacrifice accomplished on the cross.

One: And this is God’s gospel promise: to grant us forgiveness of sins and eternal life.

All: God has sealed this promise on our hearts. Hallelujah. Amen.

Q&A 67

ASSURANCE OF PARDON (Galatians 3:27)

One: For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.

All: Yes! The Holy Spirit teaches us and by the holy sacraments confirms that our entire salvation rests on Christ’s one sacrifice for us on the cross.

Lord’s Day 26-27


In the Great Commission, Jesus instituted this sacrament of Baptism. “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18b-20) 

This sacrament is a sign that, as water washed our bodies clean, so our being washed with Christ’s blood and spirit washes away our sins.

We, therefore, as the body of Christ, baptize believers and our covenant children.


Throughout the Bible, God Promises to us this cleansing of our inner impurity. The prophet Zechariah, foretelling the coming of the Messiah, speaks of a fountain that will be opened to God’s people to cleanse them from impurity (Zechariah 13:1). The Apostle Paul in writing to Titus declares that we have been saved, “not because of righteous things we [have] done, but because of [God’s] mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior” (Titus 3:5-6). 

God has always desired to be in covenant with his people, from the very beginning of human history. He has always called people to himself from out of this fallen world. He made a covenant with Abraham, sealed with circumcision of Abraham and his household, promising an everlasting covenant with him and his descendants, that all nations on earth would be blessed through them. Through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross for our sins, we are co-heirs to that covenant promise with Christ, our brother. 

(for infant baptism)

Just as the children of the covenant were circumcised in the Old Testament as a sign of God’s promise to his people, we baptize the children of the covenant as a sign of God’s promise of deliverance from sin through Christ’s blood and the Holy Spirit. This sacrament is not a celebration of personal choice, but a sign and seal of God’s grace, given freely to his people. We trust and pray that, in due time, the Holy Spirit will work in [infant’s name] to draw them to confess Christ as their Lord and Savior, and to profess that faith before the gathered Body of Christ, the church.


Our Triune God, Father, Son, and Spirit: We thank and praise you for gathering us here today to partake in this holy sacrament of baptism. God, you have been faithful to your people through all ages. You created everything out of the waters of the deep, you rescued Noah and his family from the waters of death, you have made covenant with those that you have drawn unto yourself: with Abraham, promising to bless the world through your people, with David, promising to establish your kingdom forever through his descendant, our Lord and Savior, Jesus.

Jesus, you yourself were baptized in the Jordan River to receive the Spirit. You were plunged into the death that we could never die for ourselves and raised to new life as Lord and Savior of all who call upon your name. 

Jesus, through your death and resurrection you have cleansed us with your blood to cleanse us of all of our sins. By this act of grace and by the power of the Holy Spirit, we are renewed and sanctified to be members of your church; your body, O Christ. 

Holy Spirit, we pray, continue to cleanse us from our sins just as this water washes away outward impurity. As we celebrate this sacrament, stir in our hearts a renewed passion for this covenant community, that as we welcome [name] into this covenant family, we would be reminded of the power of our own baptism and your grace to us, that we would be empowered to live renewed lives for your Kingdom. 

Glory belongs to you alone, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. As your faithfulness to your people was in the beginning, it is the same now, and ever shall be. Amen.


As [name] is baptized, let us, having professed our faith in God together as his gathered covenant community, remember the grace we have all been given by God, who has forgiven our sins because of Christ’s blood, poured out for us on the cross. Let us remember that grace that we have been given by being washed in the Holy Spirit, having been renewed and sanctified, that we are truly washed of our sins spiritually as our bodies have been washed and cleansed with water physically. Let us remember our baptism and be grateful to God for the gift of grace that has been given to us, knowing that we ourselves could never ask for it on our own. Let us be grateful to Jesus, our Savior, who has washed us with his blood. Let us praise together the Holy Spirit who works within us to draw us to God.

Q&A 69

CONFESSION OF SIN (Romans 6:3-10)

Living God,

We mourn that sin and evil stains every part of creation.

Individual actions, the natural world, and human made systems.

Your creation is totally covered with the stain of sin and evil.

Although we consider ourselves naturally good,

We too are stained by this sin and evil.

No matter how hard we work,

We remain slaves to the sin and evil staining your good creation.

We contribute to this sin and evil directly and indirectly.

Harming are friends and families intentionally

Harming those in our community and across the global unintentionally

Whether it is our greed, our selfishness, or our apathy

We can’t wash ourselves clean.

Holy Spirit, wash away our soul’s impurity!

Cleanse us with your blood, Jesus.

Q&A 70


One: The Lord promised us, “I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean; I will cleanse you from all your impurities and from all your idols.”

All: We have been washed in Christ’s blood, and by that blood, we have been redeemed.

One: The Lord promised us, “I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws.”

All: We have with Christ’s spirit, given a new heart, so that more and more we become dead to sin and live holy and blameless lives.

Q&A 72


One: Christ’s blood purifies us from all sin

All: The Holy Spirit cleanses us from all sin

One: Walk in the light as Christ is in the light.

All: Thanks be to God. By Christ’s blood, we can have fellowship with each other and with God.

The following is a modified version of the CRCNA’s Baptismal Liturgy, the original of which is linked here:

Alterations and additions are italicized.


Hear the words of our Lord Jesus Christ:

All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.

Matthew 28:18-20

Hear also these words from Holy Scripture:

Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? Therefore we have been buried with him by baptism into death, so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life.

Romans 6:3-4

Reading of Q&A 69

People of God, How does holy baptism

remind and assure you

that Christ’s one sacrifice on the cross

benefits you personally?

In this way:

Christ instituted this outward washing

and with it promised that,

as surely as water washes away the dirt from the body,

so certainly his blood and his Spirit

wash away my soul’s impurity,

that is, all my sins.

Baptism is the sign and seal of God’s promises to this covenant people.

In baptism God promises by grace alone:

to forgive our sins;

to adopt us into the Body of Christ, the Church;

to send the Holy Spirit daily to renew and cleanse us;

and to resurrect us to eternal life.

This promise is made visible in the water of baptism.

Water is poured into the font at this time.

Washed in Christ’s blood poured out for us,

By grace, we are forgiven.

Jesus Christ is living water.

Washed in Christ’s Spirit,

Renewed by the Holy Spirit

And sanctified to be members of Christ,

so that more and more

we become dead to sin

and live holy and blameless lives.

Through baptism Christ calls us to new obedience:

to love and trust God completely;

to forsake the evil of the world; and

to live a new and holy life.

Yet, when we fall into sin, we must not despair of God’s mercy,

nor continue in sin,

for baptism is the sign and seal

of God’s eternal covenant of grace with us.


An elder presents the adult candidates or the parents of children for baptism:

On behalf of the elders

I present (using full names)

[who bring their child/children]

to receive the sacrament of baptism.


The minister addresses the parents or candidates:

Beloved of God,

you stand before us [having brought this child/these children]

to receive the sacrament of baptism.

I ask you, therefore, before God and Christ’s church to reject evil,

to profess your faith in Christ Jesus,

and to confess the faith of the church.*

Do you renounce sin and the power of evil

in your life and in the world?

I renounce them.

Who is your Lord and Savior?

Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior.

At the baptism of adults:

Will you be a faithful member of this congregation,

and through worship and service

seek to advance God’s purposes here and throughout the world

I will, and I ask God to help me.

At the baptism of infants or young children:

Do you promise

to instruct this child/these children

in the truth of God’s Word,

in the way of salvation through Jesus Christ;

to pray for them, to teach them to pray;

and to train them in Christ’s way by your example,

through worship, and

in the nurture of the church?

I do, and I ask God to help me.

The congregation shall rise; the minister or elder addresses the members of the congregation:

Do you promise to love, encourage, and support

these brothers and sisters

by teaching the gospel of God’s love,

by being an example of Christian faith and character, and

by giving the strong support of God’s family

in fellowship, prayer, and service?

We do.

The congregation and the candidates (or their parents) join in affirming the

faith in the words of the Apostles’ Creed. The questions may be omitted.

Do you believe in God the Father?

I believe in God, the Father almighty,

creator of heaven and earth.

Do you believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God?

I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord.

who was conceived by the Holy Spirit

and born of the virgin Mary.

He suffered under Pontius Pilate,

was crucified, died, and was buried;

he descended to hell.

The third day he rose again from the dead.

He ascended to heaven

and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty.

From there he will come to judge the living and the dead.

Do you believe in God the Holy Spirit?

I believe in the Holy Spirit,

the holy catholic church,

the communion of saints,

the forgiveness of sins,

the resurrection of the body,

and the life everlasting. Amen.


The minister says:

The Lord be with you.

And also with you.

Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.

It is right to give our thanks and praise.

We give you thanks, O holy and gracious God,

for the gift of water.

In the beginning of creation your Spirit moved over the waters.

In the waters of the flood you destroyed evil.

You led the children of Israel through the sea

into the freedom of the promised land.

In the river Jordan, John baptized our Lord

and your Spirit anointed him.

By his death and resurrection Jesus Christ, the living water,

frees us from sin and death and opens the way to life everlasting.

We thank you, O God, for the gift of baptism.

In this water you confirm to us

that we are buried with Christ in his death,

raised to share in his resurrection,

and are being renewed by the Holy Spirit.

Pour out on us your Holy Spirit,

so that those here baptized may be washed clean and receive new life.

Assure us that we are as truly washed of our sins spiritually

as our bodies are washed with water physically.

To you be all honor and glory, dominion and power,

now and forever, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


The baptismal covenant shall be repeated for each person receiving baptism.

At the baptism of children, the minister may ask the parents of each child:

What is the name of this child?

The parents shall give the Christian name.

The minister may hold infants or small children, addressing each:

Name of child,

For you Jesus Christ came into the world;

for you he died; and for you he conquered death.

All this he did for you, little one,

though you know nothing of it as yet.

We love because God first loved us.

The minister shall either immerse or pour or sprinkle water visibly and generously at the declaration of each name of each person of the Trinity, saying:

Name of child,

I baptize you in the name of the Father,

and of the Son,

and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The minister may place a hand on the person’s head and may mark on the forehead the sign of the cross, saying to each:

Name, child of the covenant,

in baptism, you are sealed by the Holy Spirit

and marked as Christ’s own forever. Amen.


When all have been baptized, the minister may make the following declaration:

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,

the only King and Head of the church,

this child/these children of God is/are now

received into the visible membership of the holy catholic church,

engaged to confess the faith of Christ, and

to be God’s faithful servant(s) until life’s end

The minister shall offer the following prayer:

Let us pray.

Gracious God,

we thank you that you cleanse and renew

these your children through your grace alone.

Bless and strengthen them daily

with the gift of your Holy Spirit;

unfold to them the riches of your love,

deepening their faith,

keeping them from the power of evil,

and enabling them to become dead to sin

and live holy and blameless lives.

At the baptism of children:

Look with kindness upon these parents.

Let them ever rejoice in the gift you have given them.

Grant them the presence of your Holy Spirit,

that they may bring up these children

to know you, to love you, and to serve you. Amen.

The congregation shall stand.

Welcome our new brothers and sisters in Christ.

Joyfully we receive you into the body of Christ.

Join with us as we give witness in the world to the good news,

for we are all one in Christ Jesus.


The following blessing may be said or sung by the congregation while the elders may greet the baptismal group:

The Lord bless you and keep you;

the Lord make his face to shine upon you,

and be gracious to you;

the Lord lift up his countenance upon you,

and give you peace. Amen.

Numbers 6:24-26

Lord’s Day 28

Q&A 75


God of abundance,

You created us in your beautiful image.

You care for us and sustain us by your loving hand.

All we have comes from you, loving Father.

We thank you for meeting our needs each day.

The gifts of your creation you use to care for us.

You nourish us by your creation

You nourish us by your word

You nourish us by the body and blood of your Son

Thank you for your complete nourishment.

Raised from death, and made alive 

by the nourishment of our Savior Jesus, 

we join our voices

with all the saints and angels and the whole creation

to proclaim the glory of your name.

Q&A 75-77


Gracious God,

While we were sinful and rebellious,

Your love for us never ceased.

While we were dead in sin,

You planned to bring us back to life.

Thank you God,

For the suffering and death of your Son, Jesus Christ.

That through his resurrection,

We are set free from sin and evil.

Through the offering of his body and blood,

We are truly nourished by Christ Jesus.

As real as the bread and wine we are about to eat,

We know how real Christ's love is for us.


At his last supper, the Lord Jesus took bread,

and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said,

“This is my body, which is for you;

do this in remembrance of me.”

In the same way,

he took the cup after supper and said,

“This cup is the new covenant in my blood;

do this in remembrance of me.”

For whenever we eat this bread and drink this cup,

we proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.

Q&A 76


Holy Spirit, who lives both in Christ and in us,

Unite us more and more to Christ’s blessed body.

Raise us into the heavenly presence

Of our divine host, our Savior Jesus.

As we eat this meal, 

Work in us and your church universal,

That we would grow more and more united.

By your power, Holy Spirit,

And through our Savior Jesus,

Remind us, that we are flesh of his flesh

And bone of his bone. 

Members of the body of Christ,

Which we are all nourished by forever.


United in Christ and as one body,

Let us pray how our Savior taught us to pray.

[Lord’s prayer]

Lord’s Day 29

Q&A 78


One: People of God, we have not been saved because of our righteousness.

All: No. We have been saved because of Christ’s Mercy

One: He saved us through the washing of rebirth

All: and the renewal of the Holy Spirit.

Q&A 79


God of life,

We are hungry.

Both physically and spiritually,

We long to be nourished and satisfied.

In our hunger, we turn to improper nourishment.

We neglect turning to you, and try to feed ourselves.

We try to feed our hunger on the things of this world.

Our work. Our relationships. Our possessions.

Our politics. Our sports. Our health. 

Our intellect. Our expertise. Our autonomy.

No matter how hard we try, 

Nothing is enough to satisfy us.

Loving God, there is no life in us apart from you.

Feed us by the power of your Holy Spirit.

Give us the bread of life so we will be satisfied. 



One: Jesus said, “ I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever.”

All: By our Savior’s sacrifice, we are fed and redeemed. 

One: Just as real as the waters of baptism or the bread and wine of communion,

All: this is how real Christ’s love and righteousness are for us.

Lord’s Day 30

Q&A 80

CONFESSION OF SIN (John 17:21; 1 Corinthians 6:17)

God of Unity,

Christ prayed that we would be one

As you are one, Triune God.

But we are divided.

Rather than cultivating understanding and love

We often have encouraged division and slander.

Whether it is out of fear, confusion, or pride,

We have fallen into the sinful habits of this world.

We have adopted a scarcity mindset 

When you, gracious God, show us 

Your kingdom is one of abundance.

Forgive us God, for misrepresenting our brothers and sisters.

Bring us to greater and greater unity where we can

And give us grace when we disagree.

Remind us that whoever is united with you, God

Is one with you in Spirit.


Q&A 81

One: We confess our sins to our perfect and blameless God.

All: We confess our sins because we are displeased with ourselves.

One: Our powerful Savior Jesus lovingly offered himself for us.

All: Even in our weakness, we trust in Christ’s sacrifice.

One: Christ’s suffering and death covers us with his righteousness,

All: And this gift strengthened our faith and makes us desire a more faithful life.

Q&A 82
CONFESSION OF SIN (Isaiah 1:11-17)

Righteous God,

We confess we place too much trust in our own works.

Rather than being concerned about justice,

We strive for our own security and prosperity

Instead of learning to do what is right,

We follow what the world teaches is good.

Some days we run through the motions.

Praying to you and even coming to worship

Out of a sense of checking a box

Rather than out of a sincere desire to be with you.

Forgive us Gracious God,

Give us a heart for the fatherless and the widow.

Work in us to bring about fullness in our lives,

That our actions throughout the week

Would match our actions today.

Loving Father, 

Make us whole.
