Frequently Asked Questions

Why the Heidelberg Catechism and not other Confessions?

The CLI was started with the idea of re-integrating usage of the Heidelberg Catechism into the worship of our home denomination, the Christian Reformed Church. The structure of the Heidelberg provides built-in guidance for how to utilize it throughout the church year as well as in different seasons of life. In addition, it is probably the most familiar confession to most people outside of Westminster. Thus it was the most obvious starting point for us.

When are you going to start including resources from [My Favorite Confession]?

Our goal is that we will expand what Confessions and Documents we cultivate Liturgical Resources from as we progress. I.e., we have started with the Heidelberg but will move on to other Confessions of the Christian Reformed Church such as the Canons of Dort and Belgic Confession, then onto Confessions such as Our World Belongs to God and even Westminster at some point.

I’ve got a really great liturgy that would fit in this Initiative! Can I send it to you?

Of course you can! We want the CLI to include an array of diverse voices from all across the church. If you have a liturgy that you have written based on something from one of our active Confessions (see Liturgical Resources page for what we’re working on at the moment), go to the Submissions page.