Submissions and Usage

At its core, the Confessional Liturgy Initiative seeks to be collaborative and broadly Ecumenical. If you have a liturgical resource that you think fits with our Mission and want to share it with us, send us an email!

We believe that the reading, teaching, and preaching of Scripture should be both affirming and challenging to every Christian. We desire for these resources to be the same. Our goal is that the diversity of the body of Christ is celebrated but also that within that diversity, the church at large may be unified in a posture of seeking both affirmation and challenge. With that in mind, we ask that any and all submissions to the Initiative have that same posture.

As this is a curation of liturgical resources, we do reserve the right to decline to publish submitted resources, just as we have declined to publish some of our own ideas. We may suggest edits to make a submission more broadly applicable, but we will not publish any edited submissions without consent and citation.

And now, for a few practical guidelines:

  • As this project has arisen from members of the Christian Reformed Church, the default Biblical translation for the CLI is the New International Version (2011). If your submission is using another translation, please be sure to note that.

  • Similarly, if your submission is based on a passage from Scripture, please note that passage so that we may include it.

  • If you are directly quoting a biblical passage, put it in quotation marks.

  • Reference what Confession you are drawing from, what Q&A/Article/Section, and what liturgical element/service/holiday you are writing for.

    • For example: HC Q&A 130, Call to Worship for Easter Sunday

  • If your submission is meant to be responsive or corporate, please bold any congregational involvement

If all that sounds good to you, send us an email at

If you wish to use any of our resources in your worship service, go right ahead!