Coming from a more stoic-leaning church tradition, I didn’t grow up around a lot of conversation and theology about anointing. We didn’t speak much about being anointed with the Holy Spirit or symbolically anoint people as part of liturgy. The focus of our Pneumatology was more centered on the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. There is nothing wrong with that, don’t get me wrong, but I have more and more been enthralled with exploring what it means for us as believer to not just have the Holy Spirit within us, but to have the Holy Spirit on us as an anointing power to do the work of God’s Kingdom here on earth. I think that exploring what we are anointed by the Spirit for can help breathe new life into our ministries, both personally and corporately.

This week’s Lord’s Day looks at what it means for us that Jesus is called “Christ,” meaning “anointed.” Jesus has been ordained by God the Father and anointed with the Holy Spirit, and because we belong to him, we share in that anointing. We are therefore called to live in a way that makes that anointing evident to show Christ through us to the world.


Q&A 31-32


We give you thanks and praise, O Lord, as we prepare to come to your table today. Jesus, you are our chief prophet and teacher who fully reveals to us the secret counsel and will of God. You are our only high priest who has delivered us by the one sacrifice of your body. You continually plead our cause with the Father, and you, O Christ, are our eternal king who governs us by Word and Spirit and guards and keeps us in the freedom you have won for us. Holy are you, O Lord. 

You anoint us to confess your name and to share that name with this world. You enable us to strive against sin and the devil in this life. We offer you all of our thanks and praise for your ever-present care. 

Q&A 31


Lord Jesus Christ, you are anointed with the Holy Spirit to be our chief prophet and teacher who fully reveals to us God’s will. As we open your word now, we seek to be taught by you. Anoint us anew, Holy Spirit, to hear what you have to teach us today. We ask this in the name of our deliverer, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Q&A 32


Lord Jesus Christ, as members of your body, we are anointed to confess your name, to present ourselves to you as living sacrifices of thanks, to strive with free conscience against sin and the devil in this life, and to reign with you over all creation for eternity. We confess now that in spite of this great blessing, we fall short of your calling.

We have been anointed to confess your name only, but we confess other names and things in place of you. Lord, have mercy on us.

We have been anointed to present ourselves to you as living sacrifices of thanks, but we often prefer to thank ourselves rather than leaning on your sacrifice. Christ, have mercy on us.

We have been anointed to strive against sin and the devil, but we give in to our sinful desires and ignore your will for our lives. Lord, have mercy on us.

Give us a new and right spirit to strive for you, to remember and thank you for all you have done and do for us, and to confess your name and your name alone. We pray this in that name, Jesus Christ, our anointed deliverer. Amen.


People of God, go forth as anointed followers of Christ to confess his name, to present yourselves as living sacrifices of thanks, and to transform this world for Christ.


Lord’s Day 13: Q&A 33-34: What’s in a name[s]?


Lord’s Day 11: Q&A 29-30: Looking Elsewhere