One of the things that my Preaching and Homiletics professors drilled into me in Seminary was that you need to have an answer to the question ‘So What?’ in your sermon somewhere. Why does this text matter? What implications does this parable have for our lives today? How do these repetitious Levitical laws have any meaning for Christians?

The Catechism has given us a couple such questions, most recently Q&A 32 (But why are you called a Christian?). This week we get a really nice ‘So What?’ in the form of Q&A 36, which asks of us “How does the holy conception and birth of Christ benefit you?” In other words, this whole virgin birth thing seems odd. Why is it important? Why do you believe that? The summation of theology in the answer has such grand implications for one sentence: “He is our mediator and, in God’s sight, he covers with his innocence and perfect holiness my sinfulness in which I was conceived.” Jesus, by his holy conception and birth, is able to take on all of our sins, because he is “a true and righteous human. . .[and] one who is also true God.” (Q&A 15) Q&A 36 ties together everything from Q&A 1 up to this point. Take a look back and you’ll see that everything has been building to this ultimate ‘So What?’ We haven’t even gotten to the cross yet in our exploration of the Apostles’ Creed but we have this powerful theology.

This Lord’s Day also has some lovely and obvious connections to Christmastide, so a couple of the resources today reflect that. Similarly, the next few weeks (Lord’s Day 15-20) have opportunities for Holy Week, Eastertide, Ascension, and Pentecost. Now, this doesn’t mean we need to limit these Lord’s Days to these holy days, but I do enjoy making connections when possible, especially during Ordinary Time when we can remind ourselves about why we celebrate things like Christmas.


Q&A 35


Leader: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

People: The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.

Leader: The eternal Son of God, who is and remains true and eternal took on himself a truly human nature.

People: Through the working of the Holy Spirit, from the flesh and blood of the virgin Mary, he became like us in every way except for sin.

Leader: Conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary, our Savior, Jesus Christ, a helpless infant in a manger. 

People: This is our Lord, our Deliverer, coming down to earth from heaven as one of us.

Q&A 35-36


Jesus, as we celebrate your taking on of human nature during this season, we see how you came to this earth, humble and lowly; like us in every way except for sin so that you might redeem us from our sins. We cannot help but see our sin all the more in contrast to your perfection. Forgive us, Lord. Forgive us for the sins that we commit against each other and against you. Forgive us for the sins that we commit that we feel we cannot help. Holy Child of Bethlehem, cover us with your perfect holiness, for as true and eternal God, only you can save us from our sins.


Brothers and Sisters in Christ, this holy child whose birth we celebrate today is our mediator. Because he took on our nature and became like us in every way except sin, he covers our sinfulness in which we were conceived. His holiness atones for our lack of holiness. His blood washes us clean. Because Christ was born, Christ died, Christ arose, and in his name, our sins are forgiven.

Thanks be to God!


Lord Jesus, you emptied yourself, taking on our very human nature and form so that you would save us from our sin and from the devil. You came down to this earth as one of us; as a baby. You have given yourself for us. We pray that these tithes and offerings that we have given today would further the work of your kingdom that you began. We give these freely as you gave yourself freely for us. In your name, Lord, we pray. Amen.


Brothers and Sisters, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ took on our human nature in every way except for sin. He, our mediator, has covered our sins with his perfect holiness. As people covered by the eternal Son of God, conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary, go forth from this place to bring this good news to the world.


Lord’s Day 15: Q&A 37-39: Join Us in Our Suffering


Lord’s Day 13: Q&A 33-34: What’s in a name[s]?