Lord’s Day 9: Great and Greatly to be Praised: Q&A 26

In looking at Creeds and Confessions, one can tell a lot about what the author(s) thought was important to highlight at the time of writing. An easy example of this is the Nicene Creed an its anti-arianism, but one can also see this in the Apostles’ Creed as well. Of the three persons of the Trinity, God the Father only gets “I believe in God the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.” Most of the Creed is devoted to God the Son, one assumes because belief in Jesus is what the Apostles and early Christians were seeking to define and articulate to be able to distinguish what was so compelling about this new faith.

Because of this, the Heidelberg Catechism is also a bit scarce with content on God the Father in this section. However, this doesn’t mean we should gloss over these two Lord’s Days. There’s some great callback to Lord’s Day 1 in this week’s Lord’s Day in how we understand God’s providence for us and God’s ultimate power. God is almighty and yet provides for us sinful mortals. May we always offer up our thanks and praise!


Q&A 26


Leader: Brothers and Sisters, we gather together today to worship our God.

People: The eternal Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has created all things and upholds all things.

Leader: He upholds all things and provides for us.

People: He is our God, one person in the Trinity of Father, Son, and Spirit.

Leader: God provides for us because He is almighty. He desires to care for us because he is faithful.

All: Our God is great and greatly to be praised!


We praise you, God our Father. You who created from nothing all that is, ever has been, and ever will be. Lord of all creation, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, you to this day continue to uphold and rule everything. You provide for us and give us whatever we need for body and soul. You work everything out for the good of those who call upon your name. God, we praise and adore you, for you are almighty and faithful to your people. In the name of our Savior Jesus and through the power of the Holy Spirit we pray, Amen.


Lord’s Day 10: Q&A 27-28: Trusting in Providence


Lord’s Day 8: Three in One, One in Three: Q&A 24-25