Lord’s Day 1 of the Heidelberg Catechism is almost certainly the most well-known of the entire Catechism. Probably because it’s the first couple Q&As that most people learn or memorize, but also because it is packed with theological depth. Here’s just a few Liturgical Elements that are based on Lord’s Day 1 (certainly many more to come):

Q&A 1


We belong to you, O Christ.

But our actions say otherwise.

You are faithful to us, O Savior.

But we are not faithful to you.

You have fully paid for all of our sins with your precious blood and have set us free from the tyranny of the devil.

But we willingly turn back to our sins, time and time again.

You watch over us so that nothing happens without your will, O God.

But we seek to assert our own will over yours.

You work all things together for our salvation.

Left to our own in our sin and fallen nature, we work against our own salvation.

Forgive us, O Lord, and make us willing and ready to live for you and not ourselves.


Friends, our Savior, Jesus Christ, has fully paid for all of our sins with his blood. He has set us free from all the tyranny and schemes of the evil one. We belong to him, body and soul, in life and in death. Take comfort in this. Our sins are forgiven because we belong to Christ. Thanks be to God!


Holy, Holy, Holy are you, Lord God Almighty. Heaven and earth are full of your glory! You, O Christ, work all things together for our salvation. You have paid for all of our sins with your body and blood, which we partake of in remembrance today. We belong to you, O Lord, body and soul, in this life and in death. Father, you watch over our lives so that nothing happens without your will. Christ our Savior, you have set us free from sin and the devil. Holy Spirit, as we partake in these ordinary elements, assure us anew that we belong to you, and renew in us the desire to live for your glory, O God. Amen.


Go now in the peace and power of the Holy Spirit, to live wholehearted, willing, and ready lives to serve God, to whom you belong in life and in death, in body and in soul. 

Q&A 2


Brothers and Sisters, our only comfort in life and in death can be found in Jesus Christ, but as the Apostle Paul tells us, There is no one righteous, not even one. (Romans 3:10) We are all under the power of sin. Our sin and misery are great. Come, let us confess our sins to the Lord, knowing that we will be heard and forgiven.


Salvation is found in no one else other than Jesus Christ, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved. (Acts 4:12) We are set free from our sins and from our misery by the blood of Jesus. May we be empowered by the Holy Spirit to live lives of gratitude for God, letting our light shine before others, that they may see our good deeds and glorify our Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:16)


. . .And Then There Were Two: Lord’s Day 2: Q&A 3-5


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