Every Site Like This Needs a Blog, Right?

Whenever I visit a site such as ours for the first time - a church website, a passion project site, etc. etc., and I see a Blog link, I start wondering how often they actually update said blog.

Well, here’s at least one post. We can’t promise that this will be updated all that often; we might even delete the blog section if we aren’t using it, but hey! Welcome to the Confessional Liturgy Initiative’s website! This is a passion project of two liturgical and confessional enthusiasts seeking to take the confessional foundations of our theology and do our best to find new ways to re-introduce them into our modern worship services, as they have for the most part fallen by the wayside.

We’re not going to be shaking our fists or blaming anyone for the decline of usage of confessional documents in worship. Rather, acknowledging the fact that they aren’t used much, we are doing our best to figure out how we can offer resources for worship leaders, pastors, and lay leaders to utilize the rich theology we as a church have in these documents.

For now, we’re just working with the Heidelberg Catechism because that’s the most familiar to us and is set up pretty well for this kind of re-tooling. We hope to eventually add resources for the Belgic Confession, Canons of Dort, Westminster Confession and Catechism, and more!


Let’s Start from the Very Beginning: Lord’s Day 1: Q&A 1-2