Lord’s Day 4: Justice and Hope: Q&A 9-11

Finishing out the Misery/Sin section of the Catechism, I’m reminded of the overall structure and weight of these sections: Sin, Salvation, Service (or Misery, Deliverance, Gratitude). Misery/Sin is the shortest: only taking up three Lord’s Days and nine Q&As. Salvation/Deliverance is by far the longest with 27 Lord’s Days and 74 Q&As. Service/Gratitude is the second longest, then.

It can be said that Sin is the shortest because it is quite obvious to anyone who is convicted of their sin that it exists. That, and the fact that Ursinus and Olevianus probably didn’t feel the need to expound on sin since they felt like the entire church was in agreement. Salvation and service are far longer because escaping our sin and living as Christians needs far more nuance and explanation. Ideally, we should spend most of our time meditating on how God has saved us from our sin and how we are called to live our lives for Him, so it seems appropriate that the length of the sections of the Catechism reflect that, even if unintentionally.

Lord’s Day 4

Q&A 9


People of God, God created humans with the ability to not sin. However, because of the provocation of the devil and our own willful disobedience, humanity has fallen into a state in which we are unable to follow God’s will for our lives. Let us confess our sinful state and the ways in which we continue to willfully disobey our God and Creator together.


In the book of Genesis, chapter 1, we read that God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. . .[and] God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. (Genesis 1:27, 31a) As imagebearers of God, we were created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness (Ephesians 4:24). Friends, through our Savior Jesus Christ, our sins are forgiven and by believing in him, we may turn away from our sins and live all the more for God.

Q&A 10

PRAYER OF CONFESSION (and prayer of pardon)

Lord our God, you alone are perfect. You alone are just. We have disobeyed your laws, your commands, and your will for how we should live as your people. We have disobeyed you in thought, word, and in deed. We know, Lord, that you are terribly angry with the sins we are born with as well as the sins that each and every one of us commit every day. We confess to you that far too often, we do not think on our sins or even feel guilty. 

Lord, through your Holy Spirit, convict us anew to recognize how far we have fallen from you, and how seriously you take our sins. Give us a mind and a heart that seek to follow you all the more every day, even as we know we will continue to sin in this life.

Have mercy on us. Forgive us, Lord, in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ. 

-time of silent confession-

Lord our God, we thank you that in your mercy, you sent Jesus to be the atoning sacrifice for all of our sins. Jesus, we thank and praise you for taking upon yourself all of our sins, taking upon yourself the curse that we placed upon our human race. Christ our Savior, in you we are forgiven. You are interceding on our behalf right now, taking away our sins. Holy Spirit, empower us to recognize our sins, to know our forgiveness, and to live for you. Amen.

Q&A 11


God, you are just and merciful. In your justice, convict us of our wrongdoings against you. In your mercy, cast us not away from your presence. In your justice, we know that you are not pleased with wickedness (Psalm 5:4). In your mercy, we know that you are compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in love (Psalm 103:8).

Lord, because of your justice and because you have sent your Holy Spirit to allow us to know our wrongdoings, we confess our sins before you. 

-time of silent confession-

Lord, because of your mercy, we know that that same Spirit who convicts us of our sins also assures us of your forgiveness. We give you thanks and praise for your mercy and love to us, undeserving though we are. Renew us, Holy Spirit, to live anew for you, o Lord. Amen.


Lord’s Day 5: Only God, Truly Human: Q&A 12-15


Lord’s Day 3: Q&A 6-8