As we continue in our study of the Lord’s Supper/Communion/Eucharist, we enter into a section in which the writers of the Catechism are explicitly clarifying what makes a Protestant celebration of the Lord’s Supper different from the Catholic Mass. Specifically, today’s Lord’s Day gives us a summary of the Protestant understanding of what happens during Communion in regards to the elements and Christ’s Body and Blood. Next week will be a bit more interesting as the language switches from an explanation and defense to going on the offense against Catholicism, but that’s just a teaser.

Lord’s Day 29

Q&A 78


One: People of God, we have not been saved because of our righteousness.

All: No. We have been saved because of Christ’s Mercy

One: He saved us through the washing of rebirth

All: and the renewal of the Holy Spirit.

Q&A 79


God of life,

We are hungry.

Both physically and spiritually,

We long to be nourished and satisfied.

In our hunger, we turn to improper nourishment.

We neglect turning to you, and try to feed ourselves.

We try to feed our hunger on the things of this world.

Our work. Our relationships. Our possessions.

Our politics. Our sports. Our health. 

Our intellect. Our expertise. Our autonomy.

No matter how hard we try, 

Nothing is enough to satisfy us.

Loving God, there is no life in us apart from you.

Feed us by the power of your Holy Spirit.

Give us the bread of life so we will be satisfied. 



One: Jesus said, “ I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever.”

All: By our Savior’s sacrifice, we are fed and redeemed. 

One: Just as real as the waters of baptism or the bread and wine of communion,

All: this is how real Christ’s love and righteousness are for us. 


Lord’s Day 30: Q&A 80-82: Fencing the Table


Lord’s Day 28: Q&A 75-77: United with Christ